Catch up with Caz, our Creative Designer!

Catch up with Caz, our Creative Designer!

19th December 2022

Hi, I’m Caz, the new creative designer for Bopgun! I joined in October and have been occupied with designing many a website! I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenges so far and really enjoy spending time in the studio with all the lovely people that also work for Bopgun!

Have you learned anything new so far in your role as a Creative Designer at Bopgun?

Yes, loads! Using XD more allows me to learn new things all the time, the main thing being that plugins are your friend when it comes to this adobe software!

What’s been your favourite moment up to this point?

There have been lots – I couldn’t pick out just one! I particularly love coming into Dexter’s cheesy grin and wagging tail in the morning and our office bants during quieter moments! 

I have also loved our occasional lunch outings because I love food and the people I work with, so what could be a better combo?!

What have you enjoyed about working at Bopgun?

I love that every day is different! Every project, client, and design is slightly different and raises different challenges! Keeps it fun and interesting!

The most challenging part of your job?

Sometimes some projects might stump you for a while, and getting out of that creative block is always a bit of a challenge. But luckily, there are loads of creative people around me to give me inspo and push through those tougher briefs.

Any advice you would give to someone getting into design?

Keep going! It’s a super competitive industry, but if you love it and you keep producing exciting designs, even if it’s just a self-initiated brief or insta competitions. You’ll get there! Just keep sharing your work and making connections.


I completely adore this agency and the work! These first couple of months have flown by because although we work hard, we also have fun!