What’s the difference between customer retention and loyalty?

What’s the difference between customer retention and loyalty?

27th April 2023

As an agency that focuses on helping businesses with customer retention and loyalty, we understand the vital importance of these two factors in achieving long-term success.

But do you know why it’s important to distinguish between customer retention and loyalty and how to measure them? Before we go all in, let’s first define these terms.

Customer retention

Customer retention is about a business’s ability to keep its existing customers engaged and satisfied with its product or service. It involves developing strategies to ensure customers keep coming back.

Customer loyalty

Customer loyalty, on the other hand, is an emotional connection that customers develop towards a brand that goes beyond the product or service.

In the publishing industry, for example, customer retention means keeping magazine subscribers engaged and satisfied with their subscriptions over time. Customer loyalty, in contrast, is measured by their willingness to continue reading and recommending the magazines to others. Although these concepts are related, they are not identical.

Measuring retention and loyalty

When measuring customer retention, you’ll want to track the number of customers who stick around and make repeat purchases over a certain period.

To do this, crunch numbers like customer churn rate, as this explains how many customers have stopped making purchases.

Tracking a customer’s lifetime value is another important metric, which measures the total revenue generated by that customer throughout their relationship with a business.

Customer retention and loyalty infographic

Measuring customer loyalty can be trickier since it’s more about emotional connections rather than tangible metrics. Nonetheless, there are still ways to measure it.

For example, you can track how often customers return to purchase from your business, write positive online reviews, or recommend your products or services to others. Additionally, conducting customer satisfaction surveys will allow you to gauge how your customers feel about your brand. By doing this, you’ll gain insights into how emotionally invested customers are in your business. 

Why is it important to know the difference?

If you’re running a business, understanding the difference between customer retention and loyalty is paramount.

It’ll help you keep an eye on the right metrics and figure out the right strategies to keep your customers happy, engaged, and emotionally invested in your brand. 

When you focus on retention and loyalty, you build long-term relationships with your customers, ultimately turning them into loyal brand ambassadors!


In the marketing world, customer retention and loyalty are related but distinct concepts.

At Bopgun, we believe that customer loyalty is crucial for retention, and we work with our clients to build lasting relationships based on a deep understanding of their customers’ wants and needs. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you, don’t hesitate to drop us an email.


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