Why it’s worth targeting low-volume keywords for SEO

Why it’s worth targeting low-volume keywords for SEO

2nd June 2021

Low-volume keywords. Probably not something you spend a lot of time on. After all, when it comes to SEO, we know that the thought of working on something with a low monthly search volume may seem like a waste. But it’s not something you should be ignoring.

Obviously, the ultimate gold mine is finding those high-volume, high-converting, and low competition keywords.

What’s better than an influx of organic traffic from people who are actually interested in what you are offering.

However, because these high-volume keywords become such a priority, the low-volume keywords are often overlooked! A missed opportunity, especially when they’re potentially going to bring you the most relevant traffic.

We always say, there’s no point driving a lot of traffic if you’re not converting users towards your end goal. A smaller, highly targeted, and highly engaged audience makes more sense.

Low-volume keywords allow you to target highly relevant phrases that are likely untouched by your competitors.

It is important to note that you are unlikely to see an influx of thousands of new users hitting your website with this method; however, you’ll have a pretty good chance of ranking for a term that brings a small number of searchers who will convert.

Benefits of targeting low-volume keywords

By skipping these low-volume keywords may mean you miss out on conversion-ready traffic and gives your competitors the chance to snag the traffic you want. Incorporating low-volume keywords into your SEO strategy has benefits such as:

Being super relevant – long-tail keywords are typically low volume, but extremely relevant. And of course, the more relevant, the more likely you are to get the conversions you dream of.

Earning back money – at the end of the day, we all want a good return on investment, ROI? As we mentioned low-volume keywords can drive conversions. Even the lowest volume keywords can drive conversions that offset the cost of the content itself.

Traffic potential – targeting a few low-volume keywords gives you more potential Google real estate and, hopefully, more traffic potential.

Our top tips

Target keywords that have 100% relevance to your business. You can still waste your time targeting low-volume keywords if you don’t do your research and invest the right amount of time in the right places.

Keywords that you are fairly confident you can rank for with little effort. Especially keywords where just one conversion would be enough to cover the cost of content creation and optimization.

Aim for a wide variety of low-volume keywords. You can potentially rank for several keywords with a single piece of content. By incorporating many variations of the same parent term, you can compound your potential for organic traffic.

Most importantly then, is relevancy. 

Your keywords need to be super relevant to your audience’s interests. 

If you’re interested in learning how to optimise your website for search engines, make sure you have a chance at ranking for these keywords.