How to use Google Optimize to increase conversions

How to use Google Optimize to increase conversions

10th July 2020

Google Optimize is a free online split-testing tool from Google that allows you to test different variations of your website. Through A/B testing, multivariate testing and redirect tests you can change almost anything to quickly and easily determine the impact on your customer experience. The cost of acquiring new, quality traffic can be expensive! A/B testing through Google Optimize lets you make the most out of your existing traffic to improve conversion rates.

Let your data guide you

Google Optimize works seamlessly with Google Analytics. Letting you easily identify which parts of your site need improving. If you need help to use data to inform actionable insights we have a handy blog to help you out! Heatmaps are another great way to get this data. Once you have established your problem areas you can turn your insights into actions. Allowing you to create a plan that will deliver an exceptional online experience for your customers.

Time to test and see what works

Start off with one specific hypothesis and only change one element. Whether that’s updating the copy, making a change to the design or even having a second version to your CTA. By changing and analysing one element at a time will give you precise results.  Now you’re ready to test your variation against the original. And remember there are no losers in A/B testing! Every result is a step in the right direction and an opportunity to learn what your customers want from you.

Tailor a compelling experience

So you’ve run your tests. And now you’re ready to analyse and deploy your winning variation. Consider what metrics you need to focus on. Metrics such as goal completions or goal conversion rates are perfect metrics for CTA button analysis. Tie it back to your hypothesis and align with your business goals.

Gain More Customers

If you are driving large quantities of traffic to your site, it is crucial that you have a fully optimized landing page that offers the best user experience possible. If done correctly you can use Google Optimize to ensure your site is fully optimized and therefore increasing your conversions.