How can I better understand and exceed my customer expectations?

How can I better understand and exceed my customer expectations?

21st July 2020

A recent study by Walker showed that by the end of 2020 customer experience will be one of the key deciding factors when making purchasing decisions. Brands like Amazon and Netflix are known for delivering exceptional customer experience as much as the quality or choice of products. But how can you understand and therefore exceed your customer expectations?

Listen to what your customers are saying

Whether it is through a review or a passing comment on Twitter, your customers will be talking. The question is are you listening? It sounds so simple yet so many companies still don’t do it. Getting regular customer feedback is key. This is the first step in truly understanding what your customers want from you.

Personalize your offering

Customers like to feel noticed and appreciated by the brand they buy from. Whilst this may not be possible for every type of company if you can include personalisation it’s important to make your offering as relatable as possible to your consumer. Knowing your customer allows you to easily segment users to help personalise your communications. Learn more about how marketing automation can help you with this.

Start in-house

Remember that your employees represent the company. Start by looking at the various touchpoints along your customer journey map. Ensure you train your employees so everyone knows how to handle any issues. It helps to have a brand mission statement to help guide everyone. Something for employees to refer to when unexpected problems occur that allows them to respond accordingly.

Highlight your best feature – repeatedly

Take a moment to think about your USP.  What do you do that makes you different from your competitors? Highlight this feature over and over again. No company is good at everything but shout about what your good points, and maybe just attract some new customers along with keeping your current ones. Which leads us perfectly onto or next point.

Build a relationship

Building a relationship is the difference between having a one-time customer and a lifetime customer. Once you start understanding and caring for your customers a relationship will develop. Prioritizing these relationships will help customers to identify your brand as a whole. That is when true customer loyalty begins.

Ultimately there are a number of ways to ‘wow’ your customers. When you start to focus on your customer experience you will learn how to best meet those customer expectations. We know that customer experience can seem intimidating. But with the right advice and guidance, it’s much easier than you first think. Get in touch if you need help moving forward with your customer experience strategy to see how we can help you.     +44 (0) 1225 351715